Marg Roberts

Marg Roberts has been reading and writing poetry for about 15 fifteen years. She lives in Leamington Spa and loves cycling, gardening and family.

Praise to the hawthorn on the boundary of Chandos Street car park

Those moments when you open
to this morning’s blue and its retreating clouds
this symphony of sparrows    endless
fluttering of feathers   of feeding.
Those moments when under your shade
a baby is soothed in her mother’s arms
school kids scoot   skateboard   trudge
office workers balance coffee-to-go
croissants under heavy or light shoulders
hearts   gay   weary   counting days to
weekends. And above   pigeons like angels
almost suspended    skilled at drifting
at dozing in your branches after gorging
on blossom. And Paul asleep in his tent
under the ticket machine    water bottle parked
on top of his unfinished thriller    smell
of his last smoke. All this being    breath
non-breath this earthiness   this sky
this mix
and you a part of it.

Marg Roberts

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